Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009



Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Interface Design (Final Refinement)

This 8 pages are my loading page!(10%,20%,40%,60%,80% and 100%)

This page is my Main page...

This 4 pages are my story pages and decision pages...

This 3 pages are my Mini Game pages...

Comment pls pls pls!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Character Design

My Character Design for Webpage Interface...
Which row U like it?Top?Middle?Bottom?
Please Vote for me!Ty...

Comments please!TyTy...

Progress of Interface

My logo design...

This is my Loading page...
Please leave comments here!!Ty...

Interface Design Topic : Millennium Mummy Legend

In ancient Egypt, the spread of such a moving myths and legends. Long, long time ago, and the son of God Osiris Teburoro very capable, once the king of Egypt (Pharaoh). He taught people to engage in agricultural production, such as farming, make bread, wine, mining, brought happy. Therefore, it is worship of him, and him as the Nile god, people's life is given to Osiris. He has a brother called Dorset, deliberate mismanagement, conspiracy to kill his brother, seized the throne.
One day, my brother had dinner Dorset Please also find a lot of people paternity. Meals, Dorset, pointing to a big box of beauty everyone said: "Who can lie down into the box, put it to Who." Osiris in everybody's instigation, in the presence of everyone interviewed a try. However, one lying into him, Dorset on the turn off the box, on the lock, threw him into the Nile gone.
After the murder of Osiris, his wife Isis everywhere looking for rain god, and finally retrieve the body. Unexpectedly, this matter was Fossett know. The middle of the night, he also stole the body, cut into14 pieces, throwing in different places. Isis from different places to find the body of the fragments of Osiris, in situ buried.
Later, the posthumous child,Horus.Osiris was born, he is very brave from a young age. Grown up after the defeat of the Dorset for avenged his father and inherited the throne of the world. Him the father of the fragments of the bodies dug up from all over the years, pieced together, make a"mummy." In God's help, to make his father revived.
The resurrection of Osiris is not the resurrection of the human world, but in the resurrection of the nether world. In another world, make him a dominating, specializing in the trial of the dead, and the protection of human pharaohs.

FlowChart(Interface Design)

I had did 3 version of my of flow chart...2nd version had been choose...
The 2nd version had been change by me...some part already add on something and this is MY final version...

The 5 pages(at least) I need to do it out...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Interface Design for Digital Design

My interface design topic is about the legend of mummy(Millennium Mummy Legend)...From this poster I get so many information about Egypt's color,culture and so on...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Project 1


My Vector Icons...


My Raster Icons & Wallpapers...
1.Ring Style
4.Address Book
5.Web Access